Stay Well
Consuming too much added sugar can lead to serious health problems and CommonHealth wants to help you avoid this. Let’s dive in and explore several ways to cut back and thrive. Explore the following resources and set up in-person training for your staff by contacting your Wellness Consultant.During Cold and flu season, it's crucial to take measures to protect ourselves and those around us from illness.
Sweet Surrender
Consuming too much added sugar can lead to serious health problems and CommonHealth wants to help you avoid this. Let’s dive in and explore several ways to cut back and thrive. Explore the following resources and set up in-person training for your staff by contacting your Wellness Consultant.
Wise Eyes
Vision is one of our most important senses as 80% of what we perceive comes through our sense of sight. The earlier we start looking after the health of our eyes the better our chance of maintaining good vision throughout our lifetime.
Build a Better Meal
The Build A Better Meal program will provide guiding principles to help you plan, shop and prepare meals that fuel your body with the nutrients necessary to help you be at your best.
Metabolism Makeover
Ever wondered why it seems one person can eat anything they want and not gain a pound, while another person's every indulgence shows up on the scale? It’s because of differences in metabolism, muscle mass and physical activity.
Best Foot Forward
When you walk, your feet bear the force of 1 ½ times your body weight. When you run, they feel the force of 2-3 times your body weight. That is a lot of work on your feet and over time, you may experience foot pain.
Better Nights Ahead
Sleep optimizes how your brain works, including regulating emotions, mood, attention span, concentration, and executive function, which help us make good judgements, remain flexible, and be creative.
RX Impact
When used as prescribed, opioids can provide much needed relief during the healing and recovery process. Unfortunately, misuse of opioid medications can have devastating effects.
Breathe Well
Most of us know someone who suffers from asthma, allergies or another breathing challenge like Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)….perhaps that person is you. This program provides easy to understand information, practical tips, and tools to help.